LE Logo

Lower Extremity Seminar

This seminar teaches a qualitative movement assessment paradigm to help you quickly determine priority interventions to reduce injury risk and improve athletic potential in elite athletes and everyday patients.

The objectives of the Lower Extremity seminar are to learn a thought process by: 1) Understanding movement as a product of motor skill acquisition and 2) Learning how to interpret findings to provide clinical/performance relevance. Focus will be given to a ground up approach starting with foot function, lower limb compliance, control, coordination between the lower extremity and core, and capacity to accept eccentric load.

More details HERE.

Dates/Locations HERE.

UE Logo

Upper Extremity Seminar

This seminar teaches a qualitative movement assessment paradigm to help you quickly determine priority interventions to reduce injury risk and improve athletic potential in elite athletes and everyday patients.

The objectives of the Upper Extremity seminar are to learn a thought process by: 1) Understanding movement as a product of motor skill acquisition and 2) Learning how to interpret findings to provide clinical/performance relevance. Focus will be given to grip strength, compliance of the shoulder, cervical and thoracic spine, and coordination between the upper extremity and trunk.

More details HERE.

Dates/Locations HERE.

Tx Logo

Therapeutics Seminar

This seminar provides an integrated and practical approach to applying movement science research to clinical practice. The primary goal of the course is to understand both the convergent and divergent relationships between movement, pain, and tissue adaptation. The clinical decisions and therapeutic process are an extension of the AMA Algorithm.

Details and Dates coming soon...